Start with all cases.
First, compile a list of all neuraxial types that a case may qualify for using steps 1-6.
Step 1: Determine if case has 'Epidural' flags
1. Evaluate if case has any epidural note concepts:
- 50154 Epidural anesthesia catheter placement note
- 50159 Epidural needle length (cm)
- 50162 Epidural loss of resistance depth (cm)
- 50163 Epidural catheter type or brand
- 50164 Epidural catheter withdrawn to depth (cm)
- 50164 Epidural catheter withdrawn to depth (cm)
- 50166 Epidural paresthesias during placement
- 50339 Epidural catheter withdrawn to depth (cm) - detail
- 50344 Epidural catheter secured
- 50347 Epidural meniscus fall assessment - note
- 50348 Epidural meniscus fall yes / no - detail
- 50349 Epidural test dose administered - note
- 50350 Epidural test dose administered - number of ML detail
2. If any of the above notes present, add ‘Epidural’ to the list of neuraxial types that the case qualifies for and move to step 2.
3. If none of these notes present, move to step 2.
Step 2: Determine if case has other neuraxial documentation with values suggesting epidural placement:
Evaluate if case has any of these note concepts:
- 50050 Obstetrics- labor epidural start
- 50051 Obstetrics- Labor epidural end
- 50614 Neuraxial technique- combined spinal/epidural technique note
- 50643 Neuraxial - Epidural placed for postoperative pain control
- 50254 Categorized note: Regional or neuraxial note
If any of these notes present, evaluate if that note has text 'Epidural' AND that note does NOT have text 'Combined Spinal' or ‘Spinal’ (via AIMS value text)
- If yes, add 'Epidural' to the list of neuraxial types that case qualifies for and move to step 3.
- If no flags present, move to step 3
Step 3: Determine if case has epidural route concept:
Evaluate if the epidural route concept 2005 is present.
- If yes, add ‘Epidural’ to the list of neuraxial types that case qualifies for and move to step 4.
- If no, move to step 4.
Step 4. Determine if case has 'Spinal' flags
Evaluate if case has any of the following concepts:
- 90320- High Spinal (Outcome)
- 100313- Spinal (Access type)
- 50147 Neuraxial- Spinal vertebral interspace final
- 50148 Neuraxial- Spinal needle approach
- 50149 Neuraxial - Spinal needle type
- 50150 Neuraxial- Spinal needle diameter (gauge)
- 50151 Neuraxial- Spinal needle length (cm)
- 50153 Neuraxial- Spinal dermatomal level achieved
- 50351 Neuraxial - Spinal placement CSF observed note
- 50352 Neuraxial - Spinal placement CSF observed yes / no detail
- 50353 Neuraxial - Spinal placement Blood observed in spinal needle note
- 50354 Neuraxial - Spinal placement Blood observed yes / no detail
- 50614 Neuraxial technique - Combined Spinal / Epidural technique note
- 50680 - Neuraxial- Spinal or Epidural performed and value text does not contain 'Combined Spinal'
2. If any of the above concepts present, add ‘Spinal’ to the list of neuraxial types that the case qualifies for and move to step 5.
3. If no flags are present, move to step 5.
Step 5. Determine if case has 'Combined Spinal Epidural (CSE)' flags
Evaluate if case has one of the note concepts
- 50614 Neuraxial technique - Combined Spinal / Epidural technique note
- 50154 Epidural anesthesia catheter placement note
If any of the above notes present, evaluate if the note has text 'CSE' or 'Combined Spinal'
- If yes, add 'Combined Spinal Epidural (CSE)' to list of neuraxial types that case qualifies for and move to Step 6
- If no flags present, move to Step 6
Step 6. Determine if case has 'Caudal' flags
Evaluate if case has note 50635 (Regional - Caudal block performed)
- If yes, add 'Caudal' to the list of neuraxial types that case qualifies for and move to final check.
- If no, move to Step 7
Step 7. Determine if the case has broad neuraxial notes
Evaluate if case has the following note concepts present in parent or child note
- 50156 Epidural needle approach
- 50165 Epidural dermatomal level achieved
- 50229 Induction procedure
- 50254 Categorized note: Regional or neuraxial note
- 50507 Procedures - Epidural Blood Patch
- 50665 Procedures - Other unlisted procedure
- 50677 Regional - Block location
- 50690 Categorized Note - Regional Anesthesia
- 50691 Categorized note - Neuraxial anesthesia
- 50764 Misc - Primary Anesthesia Technique Used
- If any of the above notes have text 'CSE' or 'Combined Spinal' OR has text 'Epidural' AND 'Spinal' in same note, then add 'Combined Spinal Epidural (CSE)' to list of neuraxial types that case qualifies for and move to Step 8.
- If any of the above notes have text 'Epidural' but does not have text 'Spinal', 'Combined Spinal', or 'CSE', then add 'Epidural' to the list of neuraxial types that case qualifies for and move to to Step 8.
- If any of the above notes have text 'Spinal' but do not contain 'Epidural' or 'Combined Spinal' or 'CSE', then add 'Spinal' to the list of neuraxial types that case qualifies for and move to Step 8.
- If any of the above notes have text 'Caudal' but do not have text 'Combined Spinal' or 'CSE', then add 'Caudal' to the list of neuraxial types that case qualifies for and move to Step 8.
- If none of the above, move to Step 8
Step 8. Then, check for additional neuraxial note concepts:
Evaluate if case has any of the following note concepts
- 50034 Neuraxial – Vertebral interspace final (unspecified)
- 50146 Neuraxial technique patient position
- 50154 Epidural anesthesia catheter placement note
- 50165 Epidural dermatomal level achieved
- 50329 Neuraxial technique sterile prep and drape note
- 50330 Neuraxial technique sterile prep type detail
- 50333 Neuraxial technique subcutaneous skin infiltrated with local anesthetic
- 50335 Neuraxial insertion paresthesia assessment- note
- 50336 Neuraxial insertion paresthesia yes / no detail
- 50338 Neuraxial insertion aspiration of blood or CSF- detail
- 50363 Neuraxial technique - Sensory Level Tested Left Note
- 50364 Neuraxial technique - Sensory Level Left Detail
- 50365 Neuraxial technique - Sensory Level Left Testing Device Detail
- 50366 Neuraxial technique - Sensory Level Tested Right Note
- 50367 Neuraxial technique - Sensory Level Right Level Detail
- 50368 Neuraxial technique - Sensory Level Right Testing Device Detail
- 50370 Neuraxial technique - Bilateral Sensory Level Tested Note
- 50371 Neuraxial technique - Bilateral Sensory Level Detail
- 50372 Neuraxial technique - Bilateral Sensory Level Testing Device Detail
- 50691 Categorized note - Neuraxial anesthesia
- If case has any of the above note concepts, add 'Neuraxial - Unknown Type' to the list of neuraxial types that case qualifies for. Do not consider any terms in note text. Proceed to Final Check.
Final Check: Compile complete list of Neuraxial Types that a case qualifies for based on above logic. One case can have zero assignments or many assignments. Consider complete list of Neuraxial Types assigned in the steps above:
- If list has 'Combined Spinal Epidural (CSE)', then assign final result 'Combined Spinal Epidural (CSE)'
- If case does not have 'Combined Spinal Epidural (CSE)' assignment, then check for 'Caudal', 'Epidural' and 'Spinal' independently:
- If case has 'Caudal' and no other neuraxial types on list OR has 'Caudal' and 'Epidural', then assign final result 'Caudal'
- If case has 'Epidural' and no other neuraxial types on list, then assign final result 'Epidural'
- If case has 'Spinal' and no other neuraxial types in list, then assign final result 'Spinal'
- If case has 'Caudal' and 'Spinal', then assign final result 'Neuraxial- Multiple Types Listed'
- If case has 'Epidural' and 'Spinal'
- Evaluate if the ‘epidural’ assignment is based on step 3 alone (no epidural notes found in step 1 or 2; epidural route only 2005).
- If yes, evaluate if the ‘spinal’ assignment is based on concept 50680 alone (Step 4, Part 3):
- If yes, then assign final result: ‘Neuraxial - Unknown Type’
- If no, then assign ‘spinal’
- If no, evaluate if the ‘spinal’ assignment is based on concept 50680 alone (Step 4, Part 3):
- If yes, then assign final result: ‘Epidural’
- If no, then assign final result: ‘Neuraxial - Multiple Types Listed’
- If case does not have 'Epidural', 'Spinal', 'Caudal' or 'Combined Spinal Epidural (CSE)' and has 'Neuraxial- Unknown Type Assignment', then assign final result 'Neuraxial- Unknown Type'
3. If case has no neuraxial types assigned to it, then assign final result 'None'