Takes values mapped to 70257 Physical exam- height (cm) and 70258 Physical exam-height (in)
Valid height range is 12.70 - 243.85 cm (5-96 inches)
If case reported height in inches, converts the value to cm (Height in cm = Height in inches * 2.54cm).
Then this collation determines if the value is in a valid range of [12.70-243.85]. If outside the range returns as NULL
[ ] = inclusive (meaning including the values of 12.70 cm and 243.85 cm)
- Only one result is returned. If there are multiple results, the latest recorded result wihtin 12 hours past anesthesia end is used. If multiple heights are recorded at the chosen time, then the hight recorded in CM is chosen. If there are still multiple heights at the same time, the tallest measurement is used
- Heights recorded after 12 hours postop or missing a recorded time are not excluded, but they won't be chosen if there are heights recorded before 12 hours postop