This phenotype returns the earliest airway placement note documented between Anesthesia Start and Surgery Start.
If Surgery start is not available then,
Surgery End. If not, then
Patient out of room. If not, then
Anesthesia End.
The following airway placement concepts are considered:
1. AirwayTypeNotes mapped to ETT, LMA or Both ETT and LMA
2. LMA Notes
- 50141 Airway - Laryngeal Mask airway type
- 50142 Airway - Laryngeal Mask airway size
- 50143 Airway - Laryngeal mask airway placement difficulty
- 50144 Airway - Laryngeal mask airway placement technique
- 50209 Airway - Laryngeal Mask Airway placement note
3. ETT Notes
50099 Intubation - Nasal approach note
50100 Intubation - Videolaryngoscopy View
50101 Intubation - Observed to be difficult
50115 Intubation Laryngoscopy Blade Type and Size
50116 Intubation Laryngocsopy Cricoid Pressure or BURP Applied
50117 Intubation - ETT Placed
50118 Intubation Number of Attempts
50119 Intubation Direct Laryngoscopy View
50120 Intubation Bougie Introducer Used
50121 Intubation Endotracheal Tube Stylet Used
50122 Intubation Endotracheal Tube Size
50123 Intubation Endotracheal Tube Type
50124 Intubation Endotracheal Tube Secured Mechanism
50125 Intubation Endotracheal Tube Secured Distance
50126 Intubation Endotracheal Tube Secured Reference Point
50129 Intubation Fiberoptic Asleep or Awake
50130 Intubation Fiberoptic Nasal or Oral
50131 Intubation Fiberoptic Topicalization Type
50132 Intubation Fiberoptic Transtracheal block
50133 Intubation Fiberoptic Number of Attempts
50134 Intubation Fiberoptic Existing Airway Device
50197 Intubation - atraumatic
50205 Intubation Tube Note
50208 Intubation view note
50334 Intubation - cricoid pressure applied
50653 Intubation - Retrograde technique
50670 Intubation - performed awake
50688 Intubation - comment
50695 Categorized note - Intubation