Values collected under MPOG ID 5002 (Formal lab – Creatinine, Serum/Plasma) & 3496 (Formal lab - Creatinine, Serum/Plasma mcmol/L)
Convert values under the MPOG Concept ID: 3496 from mcmol/L to mg/dl.
Step 1. Obtain all valid creatinine values (MPOG concept ID: 5002, 3496) post anesthesia end up to 2 days post anestheisa end. Then return the highest of the values and include the date.
Step 2. Obtain all valid creatinine values (MPOG concept ID: 5002, 3496) 2 days post anesthesia end through 7 days post anestheisa end. Then return the highest of the values and include the date.
- Valid >=0.2 mg/dl and <74 mg/dl
- If data invalid ? collation only returns values in the valid range (if there are only invalid values, a -999 would be returned)
- If data valid ? Output = (numeric value in mg/dl)
- If there are no values a -999 will be returned
- If the value has the text <,>,=. <=. >= Use the process in the Table 1 below to determine the value
Conversion to mg/dl before classifying as valid or invalid
amount mcmol/l ÷ 88.4 =amount in mg/dl3
General reference ranges 1,2
- 0.5-1.2 mg/dl (Conventional Unit)
- 45-110 mcmol/l (SI Unit) 3
- Extreme value: 73.8 mg/dl 4
Conversion to mg/dl before classifying as valid or invalid
amount mcmol/l ÷ 88.4 =amount in mg/dl3
Table 1 |
Text prior to numaric value |
Logic to Determine Value |
Example |
< |
Subtract 0.01 from numeric value |
<0.2 would return 0.19 |
> |
Add 0.01 to numeric value |
>0.2 would return 0.21 |
= |
Return the numeric value |
=0.2 would return 0.2 |
<= |
Return the numeric value |
<=0.2 would return 0.2 |
>= |
Return the numeric value |
>=0.2 would return 0.2 |