This phenotype returns the attending anesthesiologist and non-attending anesthesia providers who were signed into a case for the longest duration between the following times:
- Start
- Patient In Room. If not available, then
- Induction End. If not available, then
- Anesthesia Start
- End
- Patient out of room. If not available, then
- Anesthesia End
Each return has a unique combination of case ID, provider ID, provider role concept ID, and a Staff Type. We are only returning anesthesia provider concept IDs (not surgical):
Can return more than one type of non-attending provider based one what providers were participating in the case and how long they were signed in.
Example 1) A case may have an attending and two residents that all participate for the same length of time - attending and the two residents are returned.
Example 2) A case may have an attending, a resident, and an anesthesia assistant - all are returned.
Staff MPOG Concept IDs
- 6000 Staff Level - Anesthesia Attending
- 6001 Staff Level - Anesthesia Resident CA1
- 6002 Staff Level - Anesthesia Resident CA2
- 6003 Staff Level - Anesthesia Resident CA3
- 6004 Staff Level - Anesthesia Resident - Unspecified Year
- 6005 Staff Level - Anesthesia CRNA
- 6010 Staff Level - Anesthesia Assistant
- 6013 Staff Level - Anesthesia Technician
- 6014 Staff Level - Anesthesia Fellow