‘Current smoker’ is assigned if there is documentation of smoking tobacco within 30 days prior to the procedure. ‘Former smoker’ is assigned if there is documentation of a quit date >30 days prior to the procedure.
Current logic for smoking classification (combining individual note values from the SmokingTobaccoNotes collation, there may be multiple notes per case). The SmokingTobaccoNotes collation returns a value for each note. The Smoking Tobacco Classification phenotype then determines if there is a note which falls into the CurrentSmoker, NonSmoker, and FormerSmoker and will apply the following logic:
- Use the latest smoking status documented before Anesthesia End
- If there are multiple, conflicting smoking notes documented at the same time, apply the below hierarchy in this order:
- If any of these concepts are documented at the same time, determine status according to this hierarchy:
- 70160 History-Social History-Tobacco (current smoker)
- 70161 History-Social History-Tobacco (former smoker)
- 70162 History-social history-Tobacco (non-smoker)
- For all other concepts, determine status based on this hierarchy:
- Current Smoker
- Former Smoker
- Non-Smoker
- Unknown
- Invalid
- Unmapped
- If no smoking notes, return -999 "Unknown"
- If collation mapped to missing or unknown, return -999 "Unknown"
- If concept not collation mapped, return "Unmapped"
- Only return -998 "Invalid" if collation mapped to invalid and no other smoking concepts are mapped (even if invalid value is closest to anesthesia start)
Concepts used:
Always include these concepts:
- 70128 History - Social History - Tobacco
- 70160 History - Social History - Tobacco (Current Smoker)
- 70161 History - Social History - Tobacco (Former Smoker)
- 70162 History - Social History - Tobacco (Non Smoker)
- 71100 History - Social History - Tobacco Details Pack Years
- 71110 History - Social History - Tobacco Details Current vs Past
Include these concepts if they have a matching keyword:
- 71040 General - Past Medical History ICD-9 Code
- 71041 General - Past Medical History ICD-10 Code
- 70168 General - Past Medical History - Problem List Entry
- 70125 History - Social History - General
- 70126 History - Social History - Alcohol
- 70338 General - PONV Risk Factors
- smoking
- smoke
- tobacco
- cig
- Cigarettes