This returns in mL the sum of all recorded Estimated Blood Loss for the case as charted in the Intraoperative Record for a given case.
Converts mL and returns between 0mL and 250,000 mL.
Applies to all ages.
Captures EBL documented as occurring between anesthesia start and anesthesia stop.
Excludes negative values or charted as 0 mL.
If no data exists for a specific case, then either 0 mL charted or a grossly erroneous (ie negative or extremely high value) was calculated.
Data quality is limited to individual site documentation accuracy, completeness, and variable mapping, which is performed by each site, independently.
MPOG, as the coordinating center, reviews data quality at each data upload and monthly via Data Diagnostics and Case Validation tools. This review,
while thorough, may not contain all data elements relevant to this phenotype and thus should be carefully reviewed by the user.
Value |
Value Code |
Definition |
Aim: Calculate Total Volume of EBL During a Case using values charted in MPOG Concept ID 10499
1) Convert all values to mL
2) Sum all values in Concept 10499 and report.